Adventurers of Clusterspace: Second summary

The Old Man's death.

Szerző: spelljammer on 2013.05.08. 11:00


This is the second part of the draft summary what happened during the first seven game sessions.

The Dark Star landed in a dock of the mining city and they were waiting for a courier from Ny’ska business partner. They did not know anything about this partner and where and how will be the meeting. But they could not ignore Ny’ska request thus they started to make a plan how could exchange the chests and to get the crime lord’s money back. While they were planning the passengers paid and the two women left the board.

sj belyeg.jpgAbout two hours after the landing a lonely warrior arrived to the dock and delivered a message; the meeting venue is in an abandoned industrial site not too far from the dock. They had one and half hours to arrive there.  After the currier left the dock Dev with a sniper rifle and Rat hurried to the meeting place to reconnoitre it. According to the plan Dev hid in a high building on the industrial site to secure the meeting with his rifle, and Rat went back to report what he had seen there. After a short war-council they decided, “The Old Man” and some crew member (Rat, Blade, Vos, Kenrik and Flynn) escort him to the meeting and those who remained on the board will secure the dock and prepare the spelljammer for a quick start. 

They arrived first to the meeting venue. It was a small backyard and there were ruined buildings, warehouses and rusty cranes around it… So it was a perfect place to an ambush. They did not notice Dev or anyone else so they were waiting. About three minutes later they heard an approaching group from the other side of the backyard and soon arrived five humans and a huge steam jack which carried a big chest. The Old Man negotiated the leader of the other group (who was a dark clothed woman) and finally they exchanged the chests.  First both of them checked what was in the chests then the woman gave a sign to one of her men who did a spell and the chest with Ny’ska’s money teleported to somewhere. It happened in very short time so the party had not enough time to respond it. Then she warned the Old Man: choose the life and leave back the chest with the shadow stone and gone. Only Kenrik was who heard it and he drew his pistol immediately but he was late. The Old Man collapsed with bloody head and in the next moment they heard the sound of a shoot. Then the hell broke loose. After a short fire fight and hand-to-hand fight they defeated the other group, and the steam jack was immobilize with a spell by Vos. It was a sour victory. They got hold of the shadow stone but one of their boss died and Ny’ska’s money gone. The only gain was the steam jack because the dwarf arcane mechanic opened the damaged cortex access panel and imprinted the cortex with a new primary handler (of course with himself).

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Adventurers of Clusterspace: First summary

The sleeping beauty.

Szerző: spelljammer on 2013.05.04. 18:00


This is the first part of the draft summary what happened during the first seven game sessions.

The adventure startedNy'ska_bélyeg.jpg in the outer ring of Trinona, on a bigger calidian asteroid city. It was a mining colony with some forges, mechanical workshops, merchants and a crowded spaceport. The calidians lived in the shadow of the blue planet Trinona, ruled by the lords of the flying cities. The Dark Star docked here because this port was the headquarters of a local calidian crime lord called Ny’ska, and it was the time to pay back a part of the loan which was provided by him. There was only one problem; they have not enough money to repay the actual instalment. Because Ny’ska had a very bad reputation if someone tries to get out of the payment, the two owners of the spelljammer decided they try to agree with him to pay back the instalment in a later time, of course with bigger interest.

Thus Roberto and the other co-owner of the Dark Star called “The Old Man” escorted by some crew members went to negotiate with Ny’ska about a possible solution. It was a hard negotiation, but because of the crime lord and “The Old Man” were “old friends” since decades, Ny’ska acquiesced in a later payment if they will take a small favour for him.  He asked them to transport a small chest (what was full with gems and platinum bars) to a mining city of the asteroid belt which called as The Glacier and change it to a bigger chest (which will contain stolen shadowstone from Achemon). The trick was in his request that if it is possible, they need to bring back both chests to Ny’ska.

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We have started our new Spelljammer campaign at the beginning of this year. My original concept was a campaign in Firefly (and a little Star Wars) style with rogues, smugglers, pirates, scoundrels but in Spelljammer.

It is based on the original Spelljammer setting, but in our campaign we use lots of steampunk and arcanepunk stuff. The most of the new things came from the Iron Kingdoms d20 rpg (mainly the firearms rules, arcane-mechanical weapons, steam jacks and some casts like the pistoleer and the arcane mechanic).

There is one more big difference compare with the original Spelljammer rules… the spelljamming. With a special arcane-mechanical engine (traded by the Arcane) not only the spellcasters but other casts can drive the spelljammers with pilot skill. These techno-magical engines transform the energy of magical accumulators to kinetic energy, and the non-magical characters also can pilot the spelljammers this way. Of course it is possible to drive a spelljammer on the old way too, but the helmsmen mainly choose the techno-magical engines because in this case they can use their spells when leave the helm.

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Ez az átalakított, calidian gyártmányú, „Öszvér” osztályú teherszállító a dalmaniai hajóépítő műhelyek szülötte. Méretében még éppen az óriási és a kolosszális kategória határán táncol, szállítókapacitásával majdnem az előbbi, mozgékonyságával pedig az utóbbi kategória előnyeit élvezve.

Sötét Csillag , bár nemrégiben került felújításra és átalakításra – ezzel jelentős adóságokkal terhelve tulajdonosát –, külsőre továbbra is viharvert, ütött-kopott kereskedőhajónak tűnik. Ennek egyrészt az az oka, hogy így továbbra sem kelt feltűnést, így beleilleszkedik a Törmelékűrt járó ezernyi kereskedőhajó tömegébe, másrészt a rendelkezésre álló pénzösszeg mindössze arra volt elég, hogy a hajó lelke és szíve, az arkán-mágikus hajtómű, és létfenntartó és fegyverrendszerek, valamint az energiaellátása cserére, felújításra kerüljön. Ennek következtében – bár kívülről nem látható – jelentősek az átalakítások, amelyek előnyhöz juttathatják a tulajdonost más kereskedőhajókhoz képest.

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